2021 Winter

Algorithmic Combinatorics Seminar, Winter 2021
Time: Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00

Place: Seminar room castle, RISC, Hagenberg (or zoom mode depending on the situation)

All Seminars (Winter 1994-now)


Date Speaker(s) Title
06-Oct-2021 Carsten Schneider Solving Linear Difference Equations in Idempotent Representations
Silviu Radu

Applications of symbolic summation to partition inequalities

20-Oct-2021 Nicolas Smoot A Congruence Family For 2-Elongated Plane Partitions
27-Oct-2021 Wei Yarong Solutions to the First Order Difference Equations in the Bivariate Difference Field
03-Nov-2021 no seminar
10-Nov-2021 Carsten Schneider Sigma: the final frontier - a gentle introduction
17-Nov-2021 Philipp Nuspl A computable generalization of C-finite sequences
24-Nov-2021 Ralf Hemmecke

QEta: A FriCAS package to find and prove generalized eta-quotient identities


no seminar
(SFB status seminar)



Veronika Pillwein

Ralf Hemmecke
Turan determinants and symbolic computation

QEta: A FriCAS package to find and prove generalized eta-quotient identities - Part 2
12-Jan-2022 Koustav Banerjee Optimality for bounds of the modified Bessel function of first kind
19-Jan-2022 Peter Paule

Kepler: A Poet Needs to be a Seer
- Thoughts on Mathematical Art and Creativity


Prof. George E. Andrews 4-Shadows in q-Series, the Kimberling Index, and Garden of Eden Partitions
- A Tribute to Hansraj Gupta

 Upcoming talks in the Summer Semester 2022





Prof. Johannes Blümlein The unpolraized and polarized 3-loop anomalous dimensions from
off-shell operator matrix elements


Prof. Ken Ono AGM and Jellyfish Swarms of Elliptic Curves


Prof. Ken Ono Sato-Tate type Distributions for Hypergeometric Varieties