2024 Summer

Computer Algebra and Applications Seminar, Summer 2024

Time: Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00
Place: Seminar room castle, RISC, Hagenberg

All Seminars (Winter 1994-now)


Date Speaker(s) Title


Carsten Schneider

Koustav Banerjee

Organizatorial items

Asymptotics for the shifted quotient of the partition function (I)
13-Mar-2024 no seminar
20-Mar-2024 Koustav Banerjee

Asymptotics for the shifted quotient of the partition function (II)

10-Apr-2024 Silviu Radu Sharp bounds on the family of Langer's polynomials
17-Apr-2024 no seminar
24-Apr-2024 Nikolai Fadeev RICA package: Mellin inverses, asymptotics and generalized convolutions — an update
08-May-2024 Jakob Obrovsky Solving linear difference equations in RΠΣ-extensions
15-May-2024 Peter Paule Computer algebra for Ramanujan-Sato series for 1 over pi
22-May-2024 Ralf Hemmecke Ramanujan-Sato series for 1/pi --- computational details
29-May-2024 no seminar
05-Jun-2024 Abilio de Freitas Analytic results for three-loop QCD form factors, Part 1
12-Jun-2024 no seminar
19-Jun-2024 Abilio de Freitas Analytic results for three-loop QCD form factors, Part 2
Christian Huber Highway node rooting